Ashley事件リンク集 5:英国Katie Thorpeケース


2008年1月17-19日 要望却下に関する報道


Day in the life of a cerebral palsy mum
The Mirror, October 9, 2007

Listen to mother on this terrible choice
Colette Douglas Home, the Herald, October 9, 2007


Author of our own destiny
Liz Sayce, the Guardian, October 9, 2007
(the Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation からの批判)

Scope reaction to Katie Thorpe hysterectomy case

Sympathy for an agonizing decision
(重症児の母親、BBC, 10月8日)

‘Wait and seethe best approach’

Why can’t you let Katie grow up?
(David Reilly, the Herald, 10月30日)

Equality boss speaks out on Thorpe case *
(人権監視団体の長によるメディア批判、Disability NOW, 10月)

Katie Thorpe: No Hysterectomy and Disability Rights Attacked *
(William Peace, BAD CRIPPLE, January 18, 2008)

* :spitzibaraの個人的お勧め